What's This?

Well, I have another blog.

Welcome to, the latest (as of writing this) web project that I’ve started and may promptly abandon.

Here’s the truth: These past few months have shown me the impermanence of online platforms. I have quit reddit with the third-party API shutdowns, and while I am probably better off for it, it does feel like losing one of the bastions of the internet I once knew. I regret to inform that I am officially an old person on the internet; I yearn for the days of hyper-specific Geocities pages with incredibly useful information written by a thirteen year old screaming into the void (and for the days where our search engines actually directed us to that information rather than some circuitous tripe written by AI that packs in every SEO keyword without actually saying anything).

Originally, this was written on my old WordPress blog, a site I’ve had up for almost ten years now (and which I will not link, because ten years – I haven’t decided fully what I want to do with it). I’ve been using WordPress on and off for random projects for going on fifteen years now, and while it’s comfortable and flexible and I know it well, I yearn for something different. Something lighter. Something new. Enter Grav, which I’ve now spent the night learning. Enter Hugo, which I switched to kind of on a whim – Grav is cool, but it felt a little too easy. I’m a masochist, I guess; I miss code. Grav felt like a shortcut and like more bloat than I wanted. And then I realized that I wanted the convenience of typing and posting from anywhere, so I've landed on bearblog.

And so I hope to make this a resolution to blog more, openly, about me. I have thoughts I like to share and a desire to catalogue the things I am interested in, and it just doesn’t seem viable any more to do so on any online platforms that I don’t own. I feel, in a sense, “homeless” on the internet, and I think it is time we make those homes on ground that won’t be pulled out from under us by soulless corporations and CEOs.

I’m not fully sure what this will end up being, but thanks for reading and joining me on the ride.
